Dont be the cool guy, use the tool they give you with the mandolin to hold things. Your finger tips will thank you.
I mean, seems like a lot of effort.
It’s got jalapeño and tomato, that’s plenty to make it a salad.
Houston for sure has better Mexican food
@whk3 my beloved Ope needs some funnel guidance.
Best states for Mexican food
#1 - Oaxaca
#2 - DF
#3 - Jalisco
#4 - Baja California
#5 - California
#47 - Tejas
As a fellow Mexican food fanboy, nachos are massively overrated. These seem like an upgrade.
We can discuss the quality of California Mexican food in person at the ope when you, me and @Aham13 are paired together
Me telling my grandkids about this round 40 years from now
Ball knower.
We have a BBQ joint in town called Kue’d that has them. Very good. Or you can be a try hard like @Worst12onEarth
Soly finally Ope’s.
That’s an insult around these parts. Don’t lump me in with TC, Randy, and Poosh.
I think when we say “ballknower” around here, we’re using it in the secular way
Makes sense. Ball knower vs Ballknower, if you will.
Says the guy who has 52 cook books
Wow is this list far different than mine would be…
I was cruising the Blue Bell ice cream website to figure out where that company is and stumbled upon this. Hell yeah Blue Bell. Crank it!
Im not sure if youre insulting me or not.