Olympic Prolific (Tacoma, WA): May 14-16, 2021 - Fog, Sunburns, Presses, Beers, and Golden Chambers

It seems like the public golf in Seattle is so much better than Vancouver area.

You’ll get a little bit of everything, but quarter-zip weather might be a guarantee!

Same weekend this year:


Credit also:


Signed up with the obvious caveats. And if anyone is coming from a long way and wants to pop over to Victoria before or after, let me know.


The aroma of tacoma.
Sounds exciting! Looks great. Wonderful rota of courses.


We’ll hopefully be avoiding the Tacoma Aroma haha

Moving up to the Seattle area from LA later this year so definitely interested. It’ll depend on the rescheduling of an Ireland trip that was supposed to happen this past May.


@richardlhawkes Welcome to the Refuge! Are you new or a lurker? You should join the PNW RACDG group if you haven’t yet and join the WhatsApp chat if you want to find a local game

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Welcome to the refuge and to the PNW!


I’m both new and a lurker! Happened upon the Ireland tourist sauce videos earlier this year in some research ahead of my trip. Didn’t take long to enjoy all the content and thought I’d head to the refuge to get involved. Who’s the keeper of the WhatsApp chat?

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@richardlhawkes Drop a post in here and @davidc can hook ya up

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Did this trip last year, Home Course is an absolute blast. Some cool history about where they actually made the dynamite on the property (hence the tips being bundles of dynamite)

If this is at Hotel Murano the breakfast there is actually pretty great for being included.

I’d love to do it but that’s the week before I head to Bandon and I don’t think the better half would approve.

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This is far enough in advance for me to be a solid maybe for this. With a Bandon Trip, Gamble trip, two out-of-state weddings, putting this in the rota would make for a solid '21 season. Plus, more time to get proper #BrysonThicc


Is home course the one with dynamite sticks as tee markers?

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@BeenMacKenzied Yep!

Screen Shot 2020-06-11 at 11.47.08 PM


how could i miss out - im in


on the interested sheet now…



Any chance we get a @Tron or other nlu rep?

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Who can say?