Tif and I playing at 10:00 on Sunday. Room for one more.
Jealous of you Sundayers. I will now be flying out of Portland at 6a because I realized that I needed more than 12 hours in my house from 9/12 to 10/5. Now I’m getting a full 20 hours in the house lol
@PNWCrew Play golf with @Finnesotan_47. I’m vouching for him, he’s a good dude and fun hang. Played with Kyle for 7 holes at Landmand.
Sold. @Finnesotan_47 if you still have an open spot I’m in.
I appreciate the kind words! Hopefully your knee is back to 100 percent and I’m hoping we get paired up again at a future event. It was damn shame you didn’t get to play all 18.
It’s all yours! Room for one more.
@MrVinegar206, room for a couple more for this event?
Open spot for our Chambers tee time at 9am on Thursday, 9/12.
Hola my fellow OP4’s, I know this is a long shot, but I’ll pass this along anyway: @jbomeara and I are heading to Bandon for a quick couple of rounds, Sunday morning, following the OP. We have a tee time at Pac Dunes, Monday morning at 8:00, and we 're going to play Sunday afternoon too, just not sure which course. We booked a room for Sunday night, on property, several weeks ago, and at the time, there were quite a few rooms for one night available. come join us if you can.
I’m was planning on heading down Sunday PM for a round on Sheep at 12:30 on Monday and Pac on Tuesday but I can play Sunday PM if y’all are looking for someone to join Sunday PM. I would probably have to bow out of my morning with @chitwood and Tif but I hope they would understand.
I’ll take whatever I can get I have a feeling it’s going to be an unforgettable weekend.
We would absolutely understand. Go for it!
Will, so glad you’re heading to Bandon, have you been before? if not I guarantee you it will be unforgettable; and for Sunday, for my own clarification, you’d be bowing out of an extra Gearhart round, not a Bandon round, yes?
… For Sunday afternoon we’re going to play for sure; either with @Joezwickl, if he can arrange something, and if he’s back in time; (not sure if him and Amber want to drive down early Sunday) or, we’re going to make a time, most likely at Bandon Dunes, because John has never been before; but if Joe is up for it, we’d play either Old Mac or Trails. … I’ll DM you going forward about other details, so we’re not swallowing up the oxygen in this thread. talk to you soon
First timer in the PNW in general, just really only been to SeaTac for a layover when I was working with Amazon Robotics. Excited to see some, what I can only imagine is, amazing golf and people.
Yes I’d be bowing out of a round at Gearhart to meet y’all at Bandon. I appreciate you looking out for me and just for the sake of the thread I’m so excited to see all y’all and get out to the beautiful PNW!
Gonna play 9 holes around 11a at highlands golf club Thursday if anyone wants to join. Planning to play then run over and hang out at Gearhart before my 2:20 TT there
Tell Discount Dan that The Refuge said hi.
Big day today, were within the 10 day weather window. Time to start obsessing over the forecast and the scripting
This is the oregon coast we are talking about, anything more than 12 hours out is a coin flip
I’m pretty sure I’ve had one round at Gearhart where I had rain jacket on and off about 3 times during the front nine
Good news: playing the best golf of my life heading into a trip I’ve never been more excited for.
Bad news: means I’ll be playing off a 13.5 (or lower)
I would kill for mid 60’s golf (both the weather and my score)