Olympic Prolific 2 (Tacoma, WA): 2022, Sept 16-17 - A Playoff To Remember & TC Loves PNW Cuisine

The worst part is, I NEVER LEARNED TO READ.


Next time I ask @Jdonelson for a favor.

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oh lord, I’m a huge jerk. Sorry dude :(.


What did you do to our Texas Cup winning captain, you sociopath?

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@chitwood. Per Refuge contract, I went to sign him up before me to get a spot, since I couldn’t find either of our names. 40,41

Then I stumbled upon a name at the top of the list from Austin, tx…


We doing the same thing (crappy course, Chambers, Gold Mountain) or switching things up a bit? I only ask because I’m going to start the recruiting process.




I believe it’s 3 days/36 per day…

… all at The Home Course.


That sonuvabitch.


Preliminary thinking:

  • 54 holes of tournament golf
    – Optional 18 on Sunday, see below
    – Quota, but undecided if I’m going to do best 2 out of 3 point totals again, or count all 3 rounds
    – Possibly make some flights by handicap?

  • A la carte booking of tee times
    – No stay & play deal. Everyone books where they want to stay again

  • Friday afternoon, tournament counting round at Chambers
    – Try and get some golden light vibes again
    – This means some people could possibly fly in that morning
    – Or find a round in the morning elsewhere (such as that one “crappy course”) or your own booking at Chambers
    – Or sightsee… do whatever you want that morning

  • Saturday 36 at Gold Mountain. Both rounds count for the event.
    – Likely split up the group, so half the field starts on Cascade and the other half starts on Olympic and then flip for the afternoon.
    – Riding is an option

  • Sunday: Non-counting round at Chambers in the morning
    – Gives people the option to opt out to travel home earlier or not pay as much




You’re a bad guy. I would kill for a round at thc right now.


You could move back?

Please? :pleading_face: :pray:

Man, the golf might be shitty but I get to see my family whenever I want. Maybe in 5 years when I’m sick of getting ask when our first kid is coming :joy:

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Why not 36 at Chambers like last time. It was magical and it allowed things like alt shot, half bag rounds for the second 18. If we do separate days, it will lose some of that charm and just be 2 individual rounds.

  1. Less daylight - we barely got in the 36 at Chambers last time and it was a month from the longest day.

  2. Cost - Since I’m not booking the stay & play package, there won’t be free replays this time. It worked out that everyone was able to book anywhere because the hotel happened opened back up from COVID. I want to keep this flexibility for everyone

  3. Larger field - At this point (and this may be proven wrong as time passes), I believe there will be a larger field this time around and that works back into the time issue. There were a lot of people that reached out to me saying they had serious FOMO and weren’t missing this edition.

Hopefully, the Friday afternoon times still get some of the magical golden light!


Love it bro… whatever you figure out… great stuff. I’m not messing around this time. Coming in hot for the full Seattle experience. Probably a 4-5 day trip for sure.

36 at Gold Mountain is fire.

Looking forward to hearing more about the Friday afternoon at Chambers times… Cause I’m all about a morning round before
on my own with any other nerds or Hjonk cultists coming up.

Thanks again for doing this Matt. Can’t wait.


Didn’t an error go in our favor with you able to book the replay rounds ahead of time as well? I thought there was something about replay rounds not being able to be booked in advance or a much shorter window (like 7 days).

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ALSO correct!

We teed off about 30 minutes to an hour later cause they messed up the group when they changed their tee sheets, so they let us book the replay in advance so we knew we could get it in… which we did barely haha

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But, at @catshannon’s question, nothing is set in stone. I mean, I can even ask how much it is to rent it out on a September Friday. It’s not likely/probably too expensive, but nothing is off the table

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