No Laying Up recruitment Southern Ontario (Quinte West area- Kingston)

No Laying Up homer from the Quinte area who’s been working on a local course for a couple years and has been rocking a very visible NLU hoodie for the season to sadly no recognition.

I feel like if there isn’t already a small hub of NLU fans in this area that it’s ripe for recruitment as there’s a plethora of courses and daily golfers that we could definitely gather a decent community of golfers.

Any comments welcome and preferably local golfers that are looking to build a small group that could one day become a roost !


@JoeoftheNorth we have a Roost and there are some members near your area as well.

check this thread and come join our madness.


I’m a big Duck Club fan, and I would love to roll a thread like this into the Duck Club roost. I’ll be active in that thread more often and I hope I can find a way to do some Merch Czar level gorilla marketing in this area in the fall and spring to pull some of the available market into the atmosphere.

Appreciate the response !


No worries, our Roost captain is a member at Quinte I believe.

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Haha no way seriously ? I can’t believe I haven’t (nor my gf who wears the same sweater) hasn’t heard it from them yet.

I DM’d you and would love to connect with them. I’m genuinely shocked and excited.

@BigtimePolecat is the man you are looking for.


You’re a beauty. I’ll be in contact and I can’t wait to run into you at an event next year. My boss will have to accept NLU work exemptions.

You’re good to sign off on those right ?