Maxamania, Rackham GC (Detroit, MI) May 22, 2021

paging @aannddyy00

Alright I’m doing some brainstorming here on a potential format for a golf royal rumble. It feels double elimination derby adjacent so it might be up your alley.

Format 1:
Start as a foursome. Loser on each hole is eliminated (tiebreaker tbd). As one person is eliminated another one takes their spot in true royal rumble fashion. Stop adding entrants with 3 holes remaining and then it would come down to last man standing. Prize tbd. Benefit of this format: Pace of play would never be slower than a foursome. Could still get a decent number of people involved. Cons of this format: Some might argue it’s unfairly slanted towards those entering later. Rey Mysterio didn’t let that stop him though when he was the first entrant in the 2006 royal rumble and won. Also we could have low handicaps enter first (or auction spots for charity?) so they’ll be a little more worn out when the high caps enter later on.

Format 2: Start with a foursome and add 1 (or potentially more with this format) people on each hole. Everyone who shoots over some score (par? net par?) on the hole is eliminated. The Big Show and Kane famously eliminated each other simultaneously in one royal rumble so I see no reason this couldn’t happen in a golf equivalent. Now the group could get much bigger than a foursome, but great numbers could be eliminated at the same time on a tough hole. This feels a little more exciting to me.

Still not sure whether or not there is something here, but I feel like we should be able to put something together.

edit: Ending conditions for format 2 will need to be thought out carefully. If it’s down to 3 people and all get eliminated on the final hole I don’t know what you would do.


Congrats, you are now the Duke of Derbys for Maxamania.


If there’s enough interest I would love to work out some kind of wrestling themed derby. I had never seen one before the duel in Cincy and really enjoyed it.

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King of the Ring:

All entrants start. Net bogeys are eliminated (thrown over the top rope). Last man standing.


I think there would be significant interest.


Truly a fate worse than death.

I do love this idea though. I have a feeling we’re heading toward a great game here. I’m going to continue brainstorming and will happily take any input from others and maybe we can vote on different formats.

Everyone noticed that you had a good time, Frank.

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There is such a thing as overcooking a pizza. There is also such a thing as overcooking an idea.

We have wrestlers. It’s clingy. It’s colorful.

To be clear, I wasn’t suggesting it should take place in Detroit.

Seems appropriate for a Chicago duel though.

…New Haven? I hear there’s a great golf course there in need of some attention.



Misunderstood completely.
Hasty reading Velvet.

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The pizza duel would really be for 2nd place as Detroit has already locked up first.


The Cause for Good:

The most important part of this event is helping to support a member of our refuge family, @tchap80 and his son Max. Max lives with Peroximsomal Biogenesis Disorder which you can read more about here.

A GoFundMe has been set up to capture all donations and proceeds that are generated through this event. Please take some time to read through the page to learn more about what this money will be going towards!

We are requesting a minimum $50 donation as part of the entry into this event. Because this will be the most attend refuge event to date, we want to use the power of our numbers to generate as much money as possible for Max and his family. Please make your donation by April 17th and include your refuge username in the notes (or just send me a screenshot) .


But let’s not stop there! There should be several other opportunities to donate to this great cause, including proceeds from sick merch (yardage books, tee markers, flags) showcasing logos from our main gui @bullseye . Sending out the bat signal for our duel merch experts to help get the ball rolling on some of this stuff. We already have @Carlitos confirmed to work on some incredible tee markers.


  • $100 for golf all day at Rackham GC (includes tip for GC staff). This may fluctuate a bit as people join or drop out, so we will provide a final cost roughly 3 weeks out which will then be due to @lazstradamus by April 17th.

  • $50 for charity entry fee due by April 17th.

  • $25 for dinner (Buddy’s Pizza delivered to course) to be collected later.


Stay tuned for a further announcement at 1:00pm central (best) time…


The rest of the announcement is, of course, extremely important and good.

That said, this is the best thing I’ve read all day.


An announcement for an announcement has me fucking wishing I was making this one, but the Royal Rumble / King of the Ring idea is definitely giving me an itchy trigger finger. Fuck, dudes.


You should probably just come.

Already fucking googling flights, my dude. This place is going to get me divorced. Quickly.

We’ll see what happens here. On the flights and the remaining married.


Agreed. I’ll host!