Maxamania, Rackham GC (Detroit, MI) May 22, 2021

The Cause for Good:

The most important part of this event is helping to support a member of our refuge family, @tchap80 and his son Max. Max lives with Peroximsomal Biogenesis Disorder which you can read more about here.

A GoFundMe has been set up to capture all donations and proceeds that are generated through this event. Please take some time to read through the page to learn more about what this money will be going towards!

We are requesting a minimum $50 donation as part of the entry into this event. Because this will be the most attend refuge event to date, we want to use the power of our numbers to generate as much money as possible for Max and his family. Please make your donation by April 17th and include your refuge username in the notes (or just send me a screenshot) .


But let’s not stop there! There should be several other opportunities to donate to this great cause, including proceeds from sick merch (yardage books, tee markers, flags) showcasing logos from our main gui @bullseye . Sending out the bat signal for our duel merch experts to help get the ball rolling on some of this stuff. We already have @Carlitos confirmed to work on some incredible tee markers.


  • $100 for golf all day at Rackham GC (includes tip for GC staff). This may fluctuate a bit as people join or drop out, so we will provide a final cost roughly 3 weeks out which will then be due to @lazstradamus by April 17th.

  • $50 for charity entry fee due by April 17th.

  • $25 for dinner (Buddy’s Pizza delivered to course) to be collected later.


Stay tuned for a further announcement at 1:00pm central (best) time…