I would say definitely join the refuge peloton thread. I did some pelotoning last spring and the idea of putting up scores with other refugees and doing some challenges was lots of fun (since I don’t have any other friends) Refuge Peloton Emma’s 45 Min 90’s Rock Ride from 11/15/21
I also tried to find 1-2 instructors who I really enjoyed and stuck with them. The personality is such a big part of that app. I am a big fan of Alex Toussiant (or whatever) so I took almost every ride he did. The programs can be nice if you need a place to start and to know where to go next.
Just keep plugging man. Change doesn’t happen overnight and results take time. I know that’s stupid to have to hear, but I think about it like parenting. When the baby is little you freak out about everything, while all the experienced parents tell you to relax and be patient. This is the same. I have trouble carving out time for myself to exercise with everything that happens in our house, and certainly with a pregnant wife that’s not going to be easy. Just remember that when you do it for you, you’re also doing it for them.
And if you need anymore motivation, here’s a video that might make you cry: https://twitter.com/TBrianKight/status/1466753955837485057?s=20