Dirty Myrtle 2 - February 22nd, 2025 - Legends Golf Resort

The Dirty Myrtle (5)
Good Afternoon,

I am excited to announce that we have finalized our 3rd major for the 2024-2025 season as we return to Legends Golf Resort (Heathland) in Myrtle Beach for the Dirty Myrtle 2 on February 22nd, 2025.

The format of this event will be a 2-person best ball so grab your favorite PGC member and get ready for some team golf! Don’t have a partner? No worries we will help pair up any singles prior to the event. This is also a great opportunity to introduce that friend you’ve been trying to convince to come out to a PGS event.

The event will have a 32-player limit and players will have the option to create their own individual package for the weekend with the resort for extra golf or lodging on-site (players can also just pay for golf only as well). I happy to report that the resort has added a online payment portal this year which should make it much easier for individuals to submit their deposits.

Please review the facts sheet below which includes information on pricing and lodging options for the event. We have secured a block of condos for Saturday evening however you should be able to add an additional night on the front end if you would like to arrive on Friday.

To confirm your spot, please complete each of the 3 steps below:

  1. Fill out your information on the PGS google sheet
  2. Send your $15 entry fee to @Justin-Shelley-1 (Last 4 = 6689)
  3. Submit your deposit to Legends Golf Resort via the website here Golf Packages | Legends by November 1st, 2024.

Group Leader Name: Justin Shelley

Arrival Date: 2/22

Confirmation Number: 181681



Long time Myrtler, first time Myrtle Majorer. I’m in!


Is the Sunday golf track decided yet? Suggesting Parkland this year, IMO.

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Yes Parkland tee times have been reserved starting at 9:48AM


This event is now open to all roost! Please send me a DM if you have any questions!

@cwalsh27 @RobertHunter @tdaly @westerj12 @GeneralQuinn feel free to share with your groups!


Shared it to our WhatsApp


Dropping it in our discord. Would love to try and make this.

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Getting stuff paid up tomorrow.

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@jtshelley42 Paid to you and Legends.

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PopStroke for Fri/Sat night?


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Deposit deadline has been EXTENDED!

Players have until this Thursday, November 14th to submit their deposits to Legends Golf Resort.

Questions? Don’t hesitate to shoot me a DM


Last call! Deposits due tonight! @PalmettoGolfSociety


We have had a late drop for the event next month. If you are interested in joining the @PalmettoGolfSociety in Myrtle Beach on February 22nd, please shoot me a DM and I can send over the details.

The tournament round is on Saturday, HOWEVA we have a number of players sticking around on Saturday evening and Sunday for extra golf at Pop Stroke and a Sunday morning round back at Legends Parkland.

@chaptodd comes to mind

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DM’d you on slack but my cousin 100% can make it if it’s not taken

I reached out to PopStroke for Sat night (2/22), for the 12 folk showing interest in the sheet; waiting to hear back.

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I’ve been in touch with them for the last week. Our best option is to just go day of. No benefit to pre booking a large group unless you are paying everything up from plus catering food with them

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