I’m not much of a bring your girl to dude stuff guy. No judgements, but it’s just not for me. I want to be able to run around and play as much golf as I can, not worrying about what my wife is doing in the fucking hotel in Cincinnati. Hahahaha.
Oh I meant to the course lol can get her a lil caddy bib too
Hahahahahaha. Oh man. I’ll have to tell her the only way she can come is if she caddies for me. That will put an end to this right quick.
I just got an @imsocrabby like and my day is brighter.
I don’t know how many posts I have theft soooo…
i’m locked and loaded for Cinci. I have a very unfortunate loner tee time booked for friday morning at a really crappy course. @Zocco moonlights as travel agent? my flights are booked. ALLLLLL IN ON a Bengals/Browns game. possible BTS opportunities onsite.
i’m missing North Star this weekend because of my spawn……unbelievable. making up for it in November. miss you guys. see you soooooon!
Hell yeah lady, Excited to finally meet you. Looks like we got the old band back together for this one. Is @scuff comin?
I had been putting off buying plane tickets to the Ope In because I thought maybe I could make the 7 hour drive (despite not wanting to at all). I had some credit from a Detroit event that got Covid’d and I would have had to pay an extra 100 bucks or so to make it all work.
But just now I plugged that credit into a Cincy flight and wouldn’t you know it? Completely covered.
Listen, is my wife’s birthday on November 5? Yes.
Did I miss her birthday last year because I went to Jax Beach for NIT? Yes.
Did that take place shortly after I spent nearly 2 weeks and 4 mortgage payments in North Carolina? Also Yes.
Did she immediately say ‘no’ when I brought up this event? No!
We got a keeper. Also, I’m gonna end up buying her a very nice gift.
is someone handling the search for multiple nosebleed Bengals-Browns tickets? @anon3021505
imma nosebleed and cold beer kind of fan.
I’m going to sit front row and try and get Baker Mayfield to sign my face so I can tattoo it on me.
I forget, did the winner last year qualify for this year’s NIT? Certainly, this event has the stature that demands an NIT spot (or two), and is a great way to kick off the new qualifying year.
Thank you for posting the best stadium in football.
Bengals Browns should be easy to nab nosebleeds.
oh….I wa s planning on wearing a signed Johnny Manziel jersey….in the nosebleeds where it belongs.
the struggle is real folks.
Buckeyes on the road on Saturday, Browns game on Sunday? This is shaping up to be perfect. Well, if 24 people drop out ahead of me…
that’s weird, some other people “not in the nest” are not having this issue
I feel like I played in the same scramble this year at Hamilton Elks. If that is what you are referencing my buddies group won. Such an awful format.