Carolinas Christmas Clash - PCC vs. FF - December 10 - Stono Ferry Golf Course


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Shoutout @ClarkGriswold and @BoyNamedSuj. We’re at even 8-8 teams. I’d like to (and we should have no problem) get to 20 players total. Right now we have 7 @PalmettoGolfSociety who have signed up and not paid and 3.5 from @FirstFlight

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The shaming shall commence with kickoff of the USA-Wales game this afternoon. Get your payments in.


Hate to see the PCC guys falling behind on the payments

Hate to see so many blank rows on the FF sign up sheet from guys that already bailed.

That’s certainly one way to frame up. I chose to frame it a different way

Regrettably, I most bow out of this event. My family from Atlanta has decided they want to do an early Christmas this year and they just happened to circle that weekend.


Grab em

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First up we have the bad guys from @FirstFlight because F those kids.

These are tough messages to relay.

@Swing_hard_and_hope is also signed up but he’s on his 17th round of November right now so not sure if he’ll see this for awhile.

And from the @PalmettoGolfSociety we have the following bad people
The Augusta duo of @Paden and @jfreemon
The Charleston duo of @KyleN135 and @Akarito

Edit: mercenary @apmiller has paid


Whoops. Sending now!

I’ll grab some, but if anyone wants me to grab some extra to bring home I am more than happy to buy on your behalf and bring to the event. We can settle up in charleston. Just shoot me a dm.

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I missed the message. How much do I owe and to whom? Will send it today.

No problem, Judge. $125 if just you. Add $40 is Mrs. or someone else would like to come for oysters after

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You not going to give him the military discount???

Ok just me. Mrs Cook is not one for our antics. Venmo? (and no discounts, please. I hate that sh*t)

Venmo works @jwc9p is my handle there.

@westerj12 knows, he just thinks he’s funny.

Done. Tell the people I’m not on this bad boy lost anymore.


Coal has been removed from your Christmas gifts

C’mon @turtle812!! We are going to need ya :slight_smile: