I know that I have a million questions, but this is my first year doing this and I have no idea what’s going one. Can someone help answer a few questions? 1. Did the payment we make via Venmo cover Friday and Saturday night, or just Saturday? 2. What time should we show up Friday for a practice round? 3. What’s the course record and where’s there first tee? Sorry for the question barrage, I just need to get my ducks in a row. If anyone wants to carpool from the Clear Lake, Friendswood area, LMK. I have a king ranch with enough room for 3 other Texas sized golf addicts.
Both nights
Tee times start at 1:00 there is a tab on the google sheet for you to claim a spot in whatever time works for you! If your tee time doesn’t get filled we will probably just slot you in on another time.
Reid, do I need to Venmo you for the rooms or someone else? I know there was a post somewhere up thread but I’m lazy.
Edit: Well I’m lazy but curious. Searched the thread for Venmo and only saw you listed for the hats. Looks like Connor paid for the rooms? Are we supposed to wait for a Venmo request or go ahead and pay some or all of the lodging now?
Venmo for the rooms will be going to @WhineyCracker52 so get with him on how much you owe and such
Yeah @clktex if you could throw your venmo handle in here, there’s a column on the right hand side of the sign up sheet.
Also needed from
And whoever the last 2 Houston players are. @jsteve15
Congrats Cody, what part of town did y’all land in?
You should have gotten my venmo already. Let me know if that’s not the case.
I posted this in the DFW Whatsapp already… but I’d have a good backup plan for the meals planned to be provided by Pine Dunes. Their kitchen staff (read: mgmt) has a pretty poor record on deliverables
Weird. I thought I had done that back when we set up for the hats. Will do.
Edit: Done.
They can’t be expected to be cooking when Instagram stories need to be produced.
Ah yup. I was thrown off that your venmo handle disappeared from the sheet but I have you checked off on my separate list. All good!
The “staff” is often just one guy. He’s really nice, has worked there for years, but damn they need to reallocate some of their media budget to the grill.
We prepaid for breakfast and lunches so I imagine we won’t be having any issues… at least I hope not or else we may have fyre fest golf edition on our hands.
Agreed. Was just having a little PD Insta fun.
I’ll be putting on a formal clinic May 13-15, feel free to film and post content as you see fit.
I hope that’s not the case. When I was there 3 weeks* ago on a Saturday there was a large group there, they had rented out the condos by 18 green, and when we went to the clubhouse after our first round there was a 90 minute wait for any sort of food. Pretty preposterous for a Saturday anywhere*
- @duckhunter07 kickflips in front of the BBQ joint image came to mind
We had a little wait for breakfast one morning last year if I recall correctly (but I might be thinking of the other time I was up there with @chitwood and @Jdonelson in late 2020). But it wasn’t anything like 90 minutes.
Just pack a few CLIF bars as a precaution, and you should be fine.
Oh FOR SURE this can happen … as a regular group if you get stuck behind a larger group you could be in trouble. I don’t expect issues since we’re pre-paying and they know we’re coming.