The Royal & Ancient Company of Dishonourable Golfers - Golf Society. The Brits make a Podcast!

Preferably both. But at a push I’ll accept the airport code.

If it makes things easier I’ll also travel by zeppelin. There are no demands for that, other than a full bed onboard with Egyptian cotton sheets and my own toilet. I will never use it. But I need to have it.

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I hear ocean liners are all the rave these days with savvy travelers

Hey, I wouldn’t say no to a Queen’s Grill ticket on the QM2…


TF is a Queens Grill Ticket lol also “organic” ,lololololol

On a Cunard ship there are different types of restaurant, depending on how fancy your room is. The fanciest is the Queen’s Grill, which only the fanciest of fancy folk get to eat in.

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So what’s going on… is this going to be official with the NLU guys…?

Great momentum so far :+1:t2:

I think the idea is for it not to be. They can of course join if they would like!

@The_Cad_Says - Your Grace - 408 comments deep, one month later.

Do we have summary?

Other then being way to far away to join a region, knowing there is a Instagram and twitter feed and an unbelievable Constitution, I must admit I am quite lost

Having a ‘husband & wife day’ today but an update is definitely due, so I’ll do that tomorrow.

The big news today is that the SW (California) chapter had an informal but nonetheless significant meet this morning for 9 holes, meaning the RACDG has officially started playing golf! From small acorns people…


Can confirm.

Weather was a concern as the Southwest Chapter woke to sunny skies, a light breeze and crisp 62 degrees. Luckily it warmed up to a barely acceptable 67 degrees by 8:00am. The game was on. Sadly, a recent and much needed string of storms had left Penmar G.C. soft and sloppy. Alas, Certus et celer, it was not.

But there was width, and, given our sporadic driving, several keen angles. There was also a nice cameo by Erik Anders Lang and the two English blokes on YouTube who dress alike known as Meandmygolf.

Excited to learn that fellow refugees IRL are actual neighbors, passionate about the game and always down for a quick nine. If there are six degrees to Kevin Bacon, there can be no more than two degrees in the Golf Nerd-iverse.

Many of the boxes you’d expect to be checked were, indeed, checked. NLU towels? Multiple. Imperial Visor? Yep. The Golfer’s Journal head cover? Again, multiple. Leather Mackenzie? Guilty. Buck Club discussion? Both sides. Brough Creek National Lovefest? Will is an actual member and @anon68983737 grew up 10 miles away. Dope-ass vintage Cameron? @Riggsy wields among the purest blade you’ll ever see.

There was good conversation and, most importantly, great company (which was big given the 5 minute wait on every tee box.) Very much looking forward to hearing about other chapters having a game and getting back together with the Southwest Chapter.


Was fun - gotta run it back. I was thinking about it, we should have played wolf hammer…very NLU, next time.


For sure. Lots of Wasabi at Penmar.

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NYC Metro area… definitelh in for this.

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Cool bananas. Did you throw your name into the Roll Call spreadsheet?


Good man. The NE chapter captain will be in touch to loop you into their WhatsApp chat. They have aneet lined up for the end of January…

I’ve been meaning to stick in an update but a) I’m really lazy, b) I couldn’t be arsed c) I stupidly started this just before golf in the Northern Hemisphere went into off season hibernation for 3 months and d) my mind is filled with options for my wife’s Christmas present (it’s a delicate subject which must be carefully considered then executed with extreme prejudice).

As a general note, just assume nothing much is going to happen here til January. It doesn’t mean nothing is happening. We’re just on Holiday Time, which means I’ll be getting the maternity pants out to accommodate my extra girth and lolling around on the sofa like an overweight walrus. Typing will be hard.

Rest assured that behind the scenes work is taking place. I think. I chat to the interim Captains a lot, though admittedly it’s mostly whinging about my terrible golf. Hopefully they’re making you all feel engaged.

We’re talking about a website but I’m a bit of a Luddite and relying on the kindness of strangers for that. Part of the discussion has been about enabling non Refugees to get involved and we think it’s own space would make that easier, not to mention a greater sense of general legitimisation. Feel free to chime in with thoughts / offers to work for free / requests for my address to include me in your legacy donations.

In the New Year we’ll get going and once each chapter has had its first meeting it’ll all feel much more real. I may even turn up to a few of the inaugural meets, just to taunt you with witty asides as you tee off. I’ve been preparing some doozies in preparation. I’d even bought a top hat and a monocle as part of my uniform but Jacob Rees-Mogg stole it.

The first meet of 2019 is The Shackleton, which the NE Chapter is hosting at the end of January. That’ll be the second meet of the RACDG after the Smug SoCals and their year round sunshine.

Happy Holidays!


Your Grace,
Is this the official logo?

why no period after the G?

Because we are Dishonourable!