This looks like a great event! How do I become apart of it?
Fuck it, I’m going in.
Midwest stands for “middle west” + STL being the “Gateway TO the west” somehow fucking equals Ohio being in the midwest?
Just accepted my invite to the Ope!!! Looking forward to the shenanigans!!
So, 2nd event, first large event…are there any hazing rituals I need to know about? Prepare for?
Also, for those health conscious High Life drinkers out there, my distrubutor just emailed saying High Life Light is coming back!!
That new horse medicine you’re on has some tuff side effects, apparently
If you have to ask, you can’t afford it.
Haven’t even started with it yet - so shit about to get tougher.
It’s called the Curd Cram. More details to come in person.
He’s Wisconsin local, so I can promise you, this won’t be an issue.
Also a beer distributor, not that any of us would need that.
This seems like an oxymoron
Yes, be sure to ask @Battisstatus what the format of the Ope Cup is
Of all the possible things happening during OP3’n weekend (including the actual golf), Kopp’s is now the most important to me.
I’m looking forward to trying the Cow beer since so many people rave about it as well as their other offerings that we don’t get down here.
But to be honest, every time I see that can I think “there’s milk in that beer…” and it gives me pause.
You will have to play one round behind four groups of barstool bros that get jammed in front of you
You forgot it’s also as part of a 12some
What’s left of Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri?
I mean…it does sometimes get classified as a Cream Ale so…