The Culver’s and High Life Thread (Ope’n IV)

We should have made you sleep in @chefcycle car last night.


Much to my disappointment my wife did not decide to move us to a non Ohio State in my three-day absence. Would have been a lot cooler if she did.


13 hours RT might just be enough to have me looking into flights to MKE or MSN and renting a car next year.

Thanks to @midwestgolfbum @Battisstatus @bignanski and anyone else who was involved in putting this on. Fucking outstanding weekend, hope to see y’all again in 2025!


So, some thank you’s are in before anything.

Thank you to @Battisstatus for your incredible push for raising money for charity. Between the push for facial hair auctions, the Ope Cup, and generally being a menace to help get the people involved.

Thank you @AlCzervik for owning the Ope Raffle this year, making one less thing I had to do. Not sure I could have done it without being in the event like you, so hats off.

Thank you to our Ope Cup captains and ass caps for adding some work in to an already crazy week. @tigergolftraveler @ReallyFatPat I’m so “sorry” you lost in this super intense and serious competition. @OffTheDole and @DombrowBryan congrats on the huge and incredibly meaningful win for the dozens of us that remember what team we were on only when we checked the UKG.

@ajvhandel not sure how I could have done what you did. Thank you for helping with, well, fucking everything this weekend. That on top of the amazing raffle prizes are truly amazing.

@chefcycle thank you for getting the masses fed and organizing that chaos. That was such an awesome idea and of course you executed it flawlessly. Anybody who didn’t see Tyler’s message from earlier this week:

The biggest thank you goes out to @kcurry11 because without you, I probably would have killed somebody. For anybody who doesn’t know, Kyle did an insane amount of the behind the scenes work in UKG. Things ran so damned smoothly because of all your work.

Captains/ass captains, thank you for your work in filling the regional teams, and congrats to @NorthStarUnited on their return trip to the RCC.

To the rest of you, thank you for making the trip to central Wisconsin, regardless if that trip was 3 miles or 2000, you all were so great to see, meet, and make new memories with.

Also, keep July 11-12, 2025 locked on the calendar, we got “Ope 4: Presented by Midwestgolfbum and Friends” to play and this time there’s 96 (!!!) spots! Details to come down the line.


No need to thank me, I’m just a guy. I have the hat to prove it (thank you for the kind words)


Also - if anyone ever comes across a listing (or happens to have one to part with, needle something something haystack) for a Miura PP 9003 Straight Neck 5 iron head, please let me know.

I had an epoxy failure on Woodlands 7 Friday afternoon and she’s sleeping with the fishes.



You’re my boy, Blue!


I’d never leave you hanging, there always needs to be two people suffering, otherwise it’s just depressing.


Gotta say this was the most well run and welcoming nlu event I’ve attended. Well worth the 7 hour drive (each way) to partake in. Big thanks to everyone involved with organizing and running the whole thing top to bottom. Hope like hell I can get my name on the registration sheet next year and do it all again! Was great to put faces and real names with a lot of the handles on here, even though I didn’t get to meet everyone. But I guess that’s what the next go around would be for.

Shout out to all my playing partners for the weekend too, great time had with everyone and some truly humbling moments playing with the single digit and + hdcp guys!


Alright, second sappy post for the post event wrap up from me, the last of which will be a total for donations whenever I have that finalized number worked up.

I will admit I was bummed as we stood on 18 tee and could see everybody behind the green and the horn blew, sending people scattering. That meant:

  • No 50/50
  • No regional team photos with flags
  • No group photo
  • No signing of the NLU Flag
  • No post round hangs before the masses disperse

However, I stopped in today to be sure that there was nothing left open at the bar, grab anything that was left in the Dawson House, and grab some lost and found stuff. This meant:

  • I got to hear from the staff how awesome everybody was
  • Get asked if we used the Dawson House because it was so well cared for
  • Get told how easy this group was to have there
  • Get thanked profusely for bringing this group
  • Get told how excited they are to have us back next year

There were moments that I wondered if this was worth planning and continuing to do every year. Those all vanished when I started seeing people’s travel stories, golf before, where people were meeting up, etc.

Without doing any real looking, I know we raised $5600 for a charity that is near and dear to me. I know there was more during the event with a couple handing me cash as well as silent auction stuff. This is absolutely incredible! Thank you @mikedabomb and @Battisstatus for forcing to make this about myself so we could collectively raise some cash for another charity.

  1. I wouldn’t have missed it - whether injured or not, and if I was going to be there I was going to be useful. Anything to help an awesome event supporting an awesome human
  2. Any way to get the word of our lor… I mean Milwaukee out there, I’m on it
  3. Ya’ll better watch out - cause I’ll be back hitting draws (and one fade) with everyone next year

I’ll check in with you in a day or two. I know you guys have a lot to unpack from an awesome weekend. Thank you all so much for all the effort that went into it. I had an amazing time.


Only when I hit my 1 draw :joy:


@meathaus @BadBrad and @Ultra-Kiger - make your donations to the charity and post here or send to me, please



I mean tired, long drive home, kinda had to


@Battisstatus @bignanski @Jpop942

Please message me your address, I owe you Ope stickers. Had them in my bag but went back to the house to shower after the last round and forgot.


Echoing off the Ope stickers, I have a few golf can suck my ass stickers left. If I didn’t get you one I’ll mail one ut as supplies last.


This was my first big NLU meet up outside of my roost (the blade meetup doesn’t count because that was a cult smaller group).

All of you people are incredibly cool and welcoming and fun as shit. I’ve never seen such a glorious concentration of mustaches and floral patterns. Aspirational stuff.

When I die, bury me in the boxcar green and let the marine with the “sadness handshake” do a 21 curd salute.