If you go through Minneapolis, Stoneridge (Stillwater/Woodbury) and Troy Burne (Hudson, WI) are right along the route. Both very solid courses and not out of the way at all.
I’ll vouch for Troy Burne, fun track
I just canceled a single tee time on June 16th if anyone wants to grab it. This seemed better than golfing on Father’s day alone
I’ll probably play somewhere Saturday, but no idea where. Let me know your plan when you have one.
I’m in for Saturday too. Friday too depending on time and place. Plan on leaving from La Crosse on Friday.
Penciling in Fort Dodge CC on Saturday around lunch time with @RunItOut and @SK777. I think we’re looking for a 4th. Obviously we got some time until then. Just wanted to get it out.
That is not very strapped of you 3…
bud, its open to the public.
No offense to ANYONE, but it’s Fort Dodge. Country Club in name only.
ALL offense to Cam for trying to get me. How dare you!
Hey I keep my Iowa knowledge extremely limited.
I see CC and it makes me think these 3 are getting a little big for their britches.
Trust me, the next time we get a REAL CC invitation, you’ll be the last call.
We need a gif of Randy saying “semi-public” during Strapped
Fort Dodge CC is definitely a Strapped course, being originally designed by none other than the menace himself - Tom Bendelow.
Its ok @camgriff2, he usually keeps CC invites to himself to keep the facade of his “For the People, By the People” public persona upheld.
Real scummy this fella.
A good rule of thumb around these parts is unless it’s in basically Omaha or Lincoln (with a few outliers and I’m unfamiliar with Iowa), it’s probably just a Country Club in name only
Was looking at booking something in South Sioux I think for Saturday, was thinking maybe a 36? Anybody interested? (Already a built in excuse here). These distances man
Gonna need to calibrate the distance from CO