I live in Ames. Hopefully this is the year we (i.e. my significant other) do not have vacation plans that weekend.
I’m on my redemption arc, maintenance equipment beware.
Hmmmmmm… 3.5 hours to Ames. Show up to our last teacher work day for a few hours and then bolt for golf? I’m sure I’ve made worse decisions in my life.
I thought you said you weren’t gonna make it…
With a late time on Friday it’s totally possible that I could put in a couple hours and then make my way out there. Definitely need to clear it with the wife but there’s at least potential after seeing the schedule!
Oh yeah I think that could be managed
Very worst case. Hit the back 9 at Veenker and enjoy all of Saturday.
You guys didn’t scare me off last year. I shall be back for a second go round. I will hopefully get out to Coldwater this year too.
I have decided that thie year, I’m going to tie the NLU sandbag to my golf bag, put my keys in it, and completely forget that I did that.
Okay this looks awesome. Gonna give it a go
I can hold your keys during Grandview. That way I can be the guy who forgets
Bummed I can’t make this. Stupid weddings
This was on the same Saturday last year. If it is this year we should move Waveland times up and get everyone entered!! Might have a shot at whitest legs.
By then, some of us should have some pretty sick golf tans going. Can always use this contest to bust out the shorts earlier and get working on ‘em.
Thinking ahead; anyone looking to split a place in des moines and bus to the fair? Years ago we got a Vrbo downtown and it was clutch for the saturday morning round and state fair travel.
Love to see where your head’s at. Bravo sir