Roll Call: Western New York, 2025 Roost sign up

Down fer sure. Might have better luck the week after since it’s supposed to rain almost this whole week.

Audubon has been open and I’ve seen a few playing as I drive by

I can’t believe Audobon is legit open. They are usually one of the last. Might just be some people sneaking out

Pins are in and greens look mown

I know last year they were charging like $10 bucks but that was like April so I assume they just put the pins in and people are free to roam

“Free to roam” you say?… I might make a drive out this week to check it out

Played Greystone in the Rochester area today. The low areas were pretty wet, and still a few snowy spots, but great to be back out there.

Seems like it…I secretly love that course. Actually has some decent holes.

Sunny and 45 today…nearly shorts season. Anyone else teeing it up?

Supposed to feel like 50 in the afternoon so I might take a quick drive over to Audobon nearby

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I might take the kids and chip and putt on the green near the range

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Don’t want to get to excited, but mid 50’s everyday this week. Hopefully the rain holds

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Hey Western New York Nesticles. @jimmay and I are headed home through Buffalo and Rochester area on Sunday May 29th and are looking for a game. Anyone have any connections to some of the private courses in these areas and are interested in meeting up?

Might be asking a lot but hopefully someone here can assist. Drew and I are both members at private clubs in Ontario and willing to host in return as well if you ever come by up here.

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Hey all, current western michigander originally from Rochester here. I was wondering if anyone in the Rochester area knows of any decently competitive leagues still looking for guys. My dad is a mid single digit handicap looking for a league and has been striking out finding anything as a single. Any leads are appreciated!

Also, I’m back in the area several times a year visiting family and would love to link up with some of y’all for a round! How do you guys coordinate tee times around here?

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If I’m around. Let try to link up. There are options. Traveling the 90 i would presume?

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Yeah we would be taking the 90 back up to Canada. Looking for something early afternoon (12-2pm) on Sunday May 29th.

We can connect closer to, to see if we can link up.

Did you find any good leagues? Let me know when your back in the area.

Hopefully you were able to play. I wasn’t available much in May! SORRY.

He did not have any luck finding anything unfortunately. I’ll be back in mid July. Would love to get out for a round!

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I completely forgot to send a message here! My bad, I dont check the refuge all that often sometimes. We were able to play out at Niagara Falls Country Club via Thousand Greens my buddy setup. It was decent, had fun, host was nice to play with.

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This group has been pretty quiet so far this season. How’s everyone’s season been going so far? We’ve had some solid golf weather in Western New York, and most courses are in solid shape.

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