Roll Call: Michigan - die snow die

Ive probably driven past it 50 times and only played once. Liked it a lot but all of us felt if we played again we would shoot multiple shots better that day. If you’re above the pin on pretty much every hole, good luck. The greens were ridiculous

I played 36 there one day with my dad, I definitely enjoyed it. It was soaking wet the day we played though, so not sure how diabolical it could be firm.

It was drizzling during the lowrider and those things had to be rolling at least a 10. Fuckin money


Owner / course designer said during last years lowrider that he always hated getting off the tee but loved putting so he designed around that. Fairways were easy to find and greens were large enough to hit or be adjacent without too much stress, but putting was brutal despite the drizzling.


it was too good. Wish I’d have met that guy, sounds like a menace!

Playing 54 holes there the weekend after the Lowrider…sounds like a great chance for a warm up. I’m in.

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Questions for the group. Do you conisider “Big Boy” a MI thing?

  • yes
  • no
0 voters

Wasn’t there a radio jingle about 15-20 (or more) years ago that said they were proud to be a Michigan thing?

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Just booked an 8 person September trip to Forest Dunes, driving from Cleveland. Thinking about playing the UofM course on the way up. Anywhere else we should consider instead?


I grew up just northeast of Los Angeles, right down the street from a Bob’s Big Boy. I think it all started in Glendale.

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It did, I am not from here myself but was asking people what things are “MI icons” and big boy was brought up.

Wikipedia agrees on Glendale but says current HQ is in Warren, MI. Could be a bit of local pandering with their advertising.


Hey everyone! just joined The Nest today. Still getting the lay of the land as the message board format is new to me. What is the best way to stay up to date with events happening in Michigan?


@paroutfromhere is that your music?

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Welcome! Jono (@paroutfromhere) organizes most of the stuff. If you scroll up a bit you’ll find links to sign up and a link to the slack channel. More communication happens there than on this message board. I’ve attempted to link the post below but if it doesn’t work, it was posted within the last day or so.

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Yo! Dive in face first. Join the FcF. Join the slack. Get in some tee times and come to the events. Follow us on the gram.

Welcome! Where abouts are you in MI?

That’s an interesting development

Big Boy, and National Coney Island.

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@paroutfromhere @dicksoch Thank you! I am currently located in Ann Arbor but grew up in Traverse City. Lucky enough to play most of my golf at the University of Michigan GC at the student rate as I’m getting my masters there currently- always looking to play golf and try new courses. Excited to see what the Nest is all about!


Welcome! We would love to have you out for Max 3 if you can swing it! We all go to UofM quite a bit during the season, hopefully we can tee it up soon1