What’s up with club champion? I got a gift card for Christmas
I think usually their fitting is pretty solid (though I’ve heard about a few situations of trying to push specific brands especially of shafts).
The main issue is that they double/triple dip on custom purchases. If it’s an exotic shaft (even if it’s a free upgrade from the mfg), they charge you rack rate for the full iron, and shafts, and maybe even to build. You don’t even get the stock shafts
Anyone interested in reserving time at a Trackman & PuttView in Detroit all while supporting First Tee - Greater Detroit? @godmar can vouch for the space!
We have some amazing technology donated by some corporate partners that we are using for indoor classes Monday-Friday. On Saturdays it’s available, so we are exploring renting it to the public. I couldn’t think of a better place to start than with you all. We are gauging interest before we proceed! Interested?
- Yes
- No
0 voters
Can confirm it’s fantastic!
Hell yeah puttview. How big is the putting green?
It’s a P8 so you can putt up to 12’! Not the biggest area but it works very well for our space.
That’s sick. 419 golf is getting one for the shop. Pumped to see it!
Where is it located?
Highland Park area.
Throwing this in here in case anyone missed it. This is the sign up for the FcF Roost regional team. If you want to earn a spot on the team to potentially go to Sweetens Cove and win the championship, this is the way.
also, join the slack for all things FcF
Long time lurker here, but would love to take this official and join the Fresh Coast Flock. I just joined the Slack, but anywhere else I need to go?
@paroutfromhere , help this good man out, El Capitan.
Welcome sir, if you want to earn a spot on the regional team, throw your info in this sheet.
If you wanna come play some snow golf in Toledo next month, jump on this one.
If you wanna be completely refuge event baptized. Come to max 3.
Hashtag get involved
Welcome @dretsom
If you want the hook up on some sweet North Coast Golf gloves, buy some here.
This goes for anyone Interested!
Thanks for the setup, I’ll check these out!
What site are these on? I have the white polo but it’s Ogio. Would be very interested in the long sleeve shirt.
Here you go.