Roll Call: Maryland

Blue Mash (MoCo course, rockville-ish area) just sent a note to its email subscribers asking them to contact the Governor and county council members and state legislators, urging them to open courses.

They provided this email address to direct correspondence to the Gov – I just sent in a note, and I also contacted my montgomery county council member.

Yea, i don’t have all the information obviously, but if Long Island is open for golf, I think we’d be safe in most less dense and populated areas.

My wife and I were talking about that today. I feel like no one really knows what is actually safe and what isn’t. Things are starting to “feel” safer, but is that because it is safer, or because I’m tired of being inside unable to do anything.

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Speaking for myself, it’s not that I feel more (or even less) safe than I did since we started staying home. It’s that I don’t have the periodic panic/anxiety attacks I was having several weeks ago. I feel like in some ways I am becoming adjusted to our current reality.


I would agree with that. I didn’t have any panic attacks, but I had a few sleeps nights when anxiety took over. I have a bad habit of worrying about the worst case scenario. And I don’t want to second guess myself if something terrible happens because I didn’t something I didn’t need to do. I know rationally I will be fine. It’s just hard to push that “what if” out of your brain.

From what Hogan said yesterday, we had started to plateau and then had a minor spike and now starting to plateau again. The way I took it we don’t need 14 consecutive days of plateau or decrease but majority/overall trend for 14 days. I get he’s being super cautious, but I think every other state on the east coast has had golf reopened/remained open

Edit: we are 1 of 5 states in the country without golf. Got and email from Waverly Woods to reach out to our representatives

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I don’t know exactly what MD is doing, but PA is looking at a rolling 14 day total. Counties have to get below 50 new cases/100,000 people within a 14 day window to be able to move to the next stage. Maybe MD is looking at something similar so one day doesn’t ruin it.

When my friend in San Francisco texted me today saying courses are reopening, I let out a LOUD expletive.

Seems to me that Hogan is trying to set Maryland apart in this Covid crisis. Whether it’s to help the state or help his future political career, who’s to say? I just know that if NY, NJ, and California are opening courses… wtf bro?

Edit- I wrote Hogan a very long and drawn out email stating my case for opening courses a few days ago. Starting to worry that my rants in that email are the actual reason courses haven’t been opened yet :confused:

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Between the unemployment fiasco I’m dealing with and golf courses/boating not being open, I’m really starting to lose my shit. Luckily the Lawn Pyscho’s thread has kept me going with shit to do in my yard.

I posted this above and then removed it because I wasn’t sure how deep we wanted to go but with this being a pretty civil conversation

First we closed everything because we needed to flatten the curve so we didn’t overwhelm hospitals and ventilators

That didn’t happen because of the measures taken

Now it sounds like the standard is about new cases rather than severe cases requiring hospitalization or ventilators

I don’t know what the end game is

I believe Hogan has done a great job for the most part handling all of this. From my understanding, he and his team are focusing on the death rate and hospitalization rate rather than the overall new case numbers as the key stats before reopening anything.

Like I said in my post above this lockdown is finally starting to take it’s toll on me and would really love to play some golf (while still easily following safety protocols/guidelines) to escape for a few hours.


For sure, I know nothing really, and it seems like Hogan and the state have handled it well comparatively. At this point, just want to get back to some form of normalcy. See my friends and family, play some golf, go to some places other than my house. Praying St. Rappeo delivers us from this time of darkness soon. Neildoingthesignofthecross.gif

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I don’t know how it is on the Western Shore, but outsides of the issues down in Wicomico County, the Eastern Shore is probably ok to start opening up golf courses

I’m in the same boat on this. I think Gov. Hogan has handled this situation very well, particularly compared to the useless idiot in the White House, and has been following the advice of the medical and public health experts. So I am not going to criticize him for closing down golf courses.

Obviously I desperately want to be playing golf and get back to some form of normal. I will continue to wait as patiently as I can and hope for the best. I do think with surrounding states now open for golf, we should be able to get back out playing with sensible social distancing in place.

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It is very interesting how different this thread is vs the Virginia Roll Call. They have just about all non-county courses open and from everyone’s first hand accounts, the courses are packed on the weekend. On top of that, it seems like not all are practicing appropriate social distancing and prevention methods (sharing carts, non-raised/pool noodles in cups, paying inside the pro shop etc…).

I think there is a safe middle ground between having all the courses closed in MD/DC, and having what sounds like business as usual in Virginia. This behavior coupled with coming back too soon could force a second lock down that lasts even longer. I really hope that the courses that are not following proper protocols don’t ruin it for the rest of us who currently don’t have near by golf courses that are open.

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If the MSGA were to release guidelines mandating pre paying online, no rakes, raised cups, walking only/1 person per cart, and spaced out tee times I think we could safely return to golf. Idk but that just seems pretty easy and obvious to me but I’m just a guy on a message board lol.


Have a 11:45a tomorrow at Heritage Hills outside of York, PA tomorrow; i believe they are send out 2-somes, walking only. Planning on practicing safe procedures and will have a mask if needed to go inside. Spot is open if anyone’s interested.

Any new rumors out there regarding golf in Maryland?

Nothing yet. But our hospitalizations have started to plateau and some decrease while deaths are also trending in the right direction according to these charts. Hogan had previously stated we needed 14 days of trending decrease so hopefully this week goes well and we can get open next weekend.



Problem now is this is what he’s saying…

So I don’t know what to think.

FYI- not political for me. Don’t care who the Gov is… just trying to figure out things.