Already been once, absolutely loved it. We will already have a foursome and on a tight-ish schedule getting in/out but I’ll let the thread know and maybe we can mix groups up for some shenanigans.
Not sure if you know about this or not. Been trying for a couple years to do something official with them, but this may be the year I just pluck down full price and play it. Pete Dye Golf Trail
I actually know the owners of Maple Creek, but they’re members at the club I work at so not going to be much help.
I did not know about that. Might be something for the future.
Let’s make it a Roost Challenge, to celebrate, when we become official next year. Set up an outing at each course, and we can all get the pin flag together.
Love that idea! The fact that I’ve never played a Pete Dye course is starting to get embarrassing at this point. I’m thinking about take my dad up to French Lick this Summer to celebrate his 60th Birthday to kick things off!
@papateeps not kidding, I think my Maple Creek guy might be dead.
update! Alive, no longer a member. Some good news, some bad.
What a rollercoaster of emotions to come back to
Appreciate you checking it out.
Friday/Saturday. For this reason, unfortunately, I am out. But that should be a blast- it was the last time. @Jalspurg
If you’re looking to just break your duck, a cheap and easy one is Sahm Golf Course in NE Indianapolis. Doesn’t really feel like a “Dye course” though, to be honest. Neither does Maple Creek, but they were early in his career.
Tease?…. Consider me fluffed!
Give me enough time to get off work and Id be down.
The stickler is always the The Dye Course at French Lick, due to its cost.
If anyone is interested in getting their ass handed to them for $24, GolfNow has three spots left at Purgatory at 1:20 today. 18 holes with cart.
Little bit of wind today, should be an interesting way to hit my new irons outdoors for the first time.
Ummm yea, that’ll do
Would have zero qualms with a Sunday and Monday—that’s no different for PTO purposes and may save us from wedding or other conflicts of Saturdays. I’ve got you in mind, sir! Should’ve dropped “days of week tentative”.
I will send out a poll with a few dates and we’ll see what avail is.
Don’t change it on my account- I’m not sure I can sell any more golf trips this year (but please consider for the future). We just booked flights for my first trip home to California in 6 years this summer. Going to try to finagle a day on the Pebble Beach Par 3 and Pacific Grove. Plus I will be a Rookie on the ISSGA tour this year (yay Monday and Tuesday events).
BTW @Douger23 here’s a chance to knock out two Dyes in one day.
EDIT: Speaking of trips, just booked the Wisconsin 2024 trip- currently expecting two friends from the Bandon trip I won in 2015 to come, but may end up having an spot or two open. I may have to, in fine Refuge fashion, open a Waitlist on an uneditable Google sheet.
Getting an idea for numbers/interest in a Purdue weekend (see above):
Recorded the dates where I would be available for the Birck Boilermaker rounds, only.
Hey everyone, just reaching out for anyone who may not be in the discord currently. We are still needing 2 people to represent team Indiana for the Farmers Cup on March 11 at Quail Crossing in Booneville, IN (just outside of Evansville). If you’re interested, please reach out to myself, @BuffaLouies, or @BDeck25!