Roll Call: Austin/San Antonio

The Royal & Ancient Company of Dishonourable Golfers - Golf Society. The Brits make a Podcast!

You can get a pretty good idea from this thread.

Basically a bunch of us made a global golf society about two years ago in here and now it has chapters all over the world and a shitload of golf being played by members.

Texas has been a bit of a problem as the original captain was super busy and the state was so big it was hard to co-ordinate anything. So we’re splitting it into three chapters - Dallas / Fort Worth, Houston & Austin / San Antonio. Hopefully that help to get it going better next year.

I’m also open to anyone with some drive to stand up and be captain of any of those chapters. I have a guy (@RMcCall) who has been in another successful chapter but is moving to Austin in March, so he was going to take it on. But it might be an idea to start coordinating that now.
