Refuge Fitness Challenge—Tournament Details Posted

3x body weight deadlift is realistic? Yikes. I’ve worked out hard on and off and maxed out at 405 (weigh 185) at any rate I’m focusing on the wrong part of the story. I am in!

Yeah I just pulled these goals from the old forum. We can definitely adjust a bit haha

Maybe some age adjustments as well? Establish a mid-am for us over 35ers?


Cool idea. Way in. Some of the weightlifting stuff might be tough since I just froze my gym membership for a few months while I see how they handle COVID after they finally reopened. But it sounds like there’s enough challenges to accomplish to put together a playable bag.

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Great idea @RobertHunter, great reason to dust off the ol’ Shake Weight in my garage! Would love to get rid of some of my brewery gut. Tracking

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This is totally opposed to the newly validated theory espoused by the mad scientist golfer

If you guys want to use your antiquated theories in a misguided attempt to play better golf, it just means more wins for me.

Might makes right!
Off to have another protein shake.

Just kidding.
Good luck!

Thanks to a more rigid diet, Covid walks and an overall change in my workout plan I am down about 30 lbs since January. However, I am still heavy enough that as I jogged passed a construction site today the cop on detail felt the need to throw me a thumbs up, reminding me I still have a long way to go. I am in for whatever this ends up being.


Just last night I inquired with the wife about playing in the PNW Olympic Prolific Event. I told her that it should be my reward for committing to 5 months of healthier living.

This sets up perfectly for that goal. I’m in.


Peloton arrives 12/12. I’m in.


I’m in. Need goals to help me drop lbs

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I think whiskey knows better than to challenge either of us.


Fer sure. I am way in on this idea, but I may be the first official fatality with the Refuge as COD if it try to keep up with all these young guis.


Prepping my exercise equipment now…


Maybe some age tiered challenge targets for our salt and pepper crowd would be appropriate


I think the plan for age tiers is to pretty much mirror whatever the percentage difference is for military PT exams. For anyone above those tiers (I think they go up to 60) then we’ll play it by ear.

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We’ve got a solid number of folks interested, so gonna go ahead and lock in some general details regarding the format.

The Main Metrics

It is difficult to get access to good gym equipment for lifts during COVID, and we don’t want to make this a big financial commitment, so we’re focusing on bodyweight exercises. I’ll work with folks on different options, and potentially these may change before the weigh-in period, but this is plan A.

  • Waist Circumference
  • BMI (I know it’s not perfect but it’s easy to calculate)
  • 1 Mile Run
  • 5k Run
  • Pushups in 60 seconds
  • Bodyweight squats in 60 seconds
  • Wildcard metric of your choosing (e.g. WHOOP metric, Peloton/FTP for cyclists, etc.)

Hit those metrics and you get to 10 clubs. In addition, there will be four monthly challenges which can each unlock a club. These will likely involve keeping up a streak of some sort or completing a certain number of particular workouts (not WODs, but not not WODs, either). For the wildcard metric, we’ll have a half-dozen options or so for you to pick from. Once you pick and submit your numbers, you’re locked in.


  1. Weigh-In and Baselines

You can perform your weigh-in and baseline measurements in the above categories from December 1 to December 31. The earlier you get your weigh-in, the longer you have to grind the goals, but considering it’s both winter and the holidays it would take some serious dedication to really lock in and make serious strides. Additionally, once you weigh-in, you’re locked in. So if you weigh-in on December 15 and then toss 5lbs on over Christmas, you can’t hit the reset button. On December 1 I’ll post a link to a website where you can submit your refuge name, numbers, and contact information and the process will officially begin.

  1. Monthly Goals and Check-Ins

However closely you want to log your progress day-to-day is up to you, but for the four monthly challenges it’ll be important to log your progress on those tasks. We’ll also have a halfway check-in/All Star Break at the end of March with some quick challenges, smaller awards, and just generally good vibes that everyone will need to post an update to the major metrics for.

  1. Final Weigh-In and Tournament

Final numbers will be submitted from June 1 to June 30 (subject to slight adjustment for tournament dates). The more dramatic and unnecessary the production value of any proof you submit attesting to your numbers, the better. We’ll be aiming to have the tournament in July, but it could potentially be June or August as well. Early thoughts on location might be in the Philly area if we’re all together, but if that’s not looking possible or if the dates don’t work for particular participants we will absolutely find a way to accommodate folks.

I’ll post more details about the specific goals, feats, and a preview of one of the monthly challenges when we get closer to the weigh-in period. Thanks again for all of your interest, and looking forward to putting in some work with all of you!


Oh also if you have an idea for a wildcard metric that hasn’t been discussed in the thread yet, please let me know!

Off the top of the dome: blood pressure would be easy. Cholesterol panel could be easy too for folks that donate blood.


I feel seen.

I don’t know if you noticed, but that’s kinda what we do around these parts.


@jsteve15 I resemble that remark!