PGA 2K23 Refuge Tour - Info Post #9188 - S23 Begins 8/12

I’m having a bitch of a time getting out of q school…

It can be tricky when you’re starting out. Mess with the difficulty settings and if necessary start with it a bit easier to get your feet under you. The settings we use for the Refuge Tour are as follows:

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Im pushing everything left, which is annoying as shit.

The good 'ol very fast swing? Very familiar with that. Swing calibration may be what you need, but here is more info on what that does and you can decide if it’s beneficial

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Is it wrong that I saw this post and immediately thought it was from @skibum232?


Thanks for heading up the season, @Jeff_M. I’ll shake your hand in Cheraw next month. :fist_right: :fist_left:


I’m influencing!!!

Also don’t worry, I realize how hilarious a bit can be when you see that people use it as their business model.

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Is Oak Hill in 2K23? I played 'Oak Hill E. Course Rochester NY ’ but wasn’t sure if it was realistic or not.

Finally made it out of Qschool. My putting is/was dialed in. Still working on approach shots to the green. No matter what I do everything rolls out too damn much. Can chip, pitch, flop, etc so much roll.

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Check out the skill tree if you haven’t already, back when I first got started I must have zoned out during the tutorial but I definitely knew nothing of it and was able to assign like 30 skill points at the same time since I had leveled up. Also, increasing loft on shots will increase spin, helpful on long approach shots

Club fittings can also help, although they are tedious to go through and work up to Orange ones.


Did a quick search over at TGCTours, it looks like your best one will be Oak Hill C.C PGA 2023 by Yeltzman


How do you find these? I searched “Oak Hill” on TGCTours website, am I an idiot?

I went to the forums, the completed courses section and searched there. This one may have been published recently enough it’s not on the official list yet, assuming Yeltzman is going to submit it for review


Thank you, didn’t realize this was a thing!

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For sure! And if you back out to the Designers section there are a few other sub-sections that you can use to find good courses, Under Construction for sneak peaks at what’s being worked on, and Design Contests you can find good ones that are being submitted for those. Lots of times those will be posted in Completed too

Golf news coming later this evening regarding the playoff event - if all goes according to plan we should be able to do a non-flighted handicapped event. Please stay tuned.

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Sorry for the delays on playoff announcement.

Work got in the way yesterday and I haven’t finished doing the math. Should have something completed in a few hours .

Need @JBors to come back :wink:

I have enough spreadsheet problems already

I may just dump all of the tournament scores into ChatGPT and tell it to handicap the field. It’s been such a help for me with building complex excel formulas lately that surely it can create a new ORGR formula

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Giving thanks to St Rappeo that (unlike @JBors) it appears that I built a durable ORGR spreadsheet that’s only requiring me to copy pasta in the scores from each event for it to calculate the rankings/handicaps.

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