PGA 2K23 Refuge Tour - Info Post #9014 - S22 Begins 5/14

Sandhills Soiree- WEEK 3 UPDATE

A quick reminder at the top here for all players to communicate with your team principals if you are unable to play an event. This will help reduce DNFs and make sure all teams can get their whole lineup to log scores.

This week is an off-week, there are no points and no new qualifiers. There will be a re-shuffle of the flights based on strokes gained performance, once that is taken care of (cc @JBors), the teams will have time to make necessary trades to make sure their rosters are conforming if any players moved flights. Team Principals, make sure to check your DMs for the principal chat as I will outline how the format/order for trades will work.

Remember, it is in your best interest to post scores for events if you can even if you’re not on a team, we have an individual title to go for as well.

In the Constructor’s standings this week, Red Bull squeaks by Ferrari and Haas for the top spot, all in all it was fairly close at the top. RBR also takes the lead of the Constructor’s title with this win, swapping spots with Ferrari. The top three teams are starting to separate themselves, so let’s see after the re-shuffle if that remains the same.

Individual flight winners:

  • Young Hitters: @dfbuzzbeater and @BlakeG are tied and will have a playoff due to a scorecard playoff also being tied. Gents, just let me know what you decide (again, I’m not sure if you’re both on the same platform and able to do a match play round, but either way I can act as a neutral third party and dial up some settings for 1 round at the Yuck Club. Stay tuned here and I will post them ASAP)
  • C-Suite: @jaytarbzzz wins again, now remains to be seen if the strokes gained stats take him to new heights in YH.
  • Strapped: @MrCutHook another back to back winner, by the narrowest of margins so this was a good competitive event for Strapped.
  • LPCP: @jcm3 finally takes down expert manipulator @JBors - or was this all planned?
  • Misc Hitters: @TonyPres has decided to bust down the gate and went on an absolute heater to notch his first win of the year.

New Qualifiers:

@GeneralTSo joins and @tdaly re-joins, both will be in Misc Hitters

Again, this is an off-week for maintenance/flight re-shuffle. Stay tuned for team roster movement, and make sure you know what flight you are in for the next event so you know where to post scores.

There is an exhibition event posted for fun in the schedule so feel free to play and see where you stack up.


Ok here are the flight movements. Surprisingly not that many!

Young Hitters:
@Tibbs > C-Suite

@Juice > Young Hitters
@SpiethGotMono > Strapped

@duffing_in_detroit > LPCP

@jcm3 > Strapped
@JBors > Strapped
@mrzornow > Strapped

Misc Hitters:
@serwin > LPCP

I will update the points and ORGR tabs later this week.


Unless you need me to hold off until you update other things, I can update the Flight Status tab so I can see what we need to do for team rosters

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I decline my promotion.



Pretty sure trying to decline a promotion is an automatic double promotion.


Yes you can update that

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You’re actually banned from the Misc Hitters Tour


Isn’t that what @JBors does? Just keeps updating whatever sheet you want not the one you’re in?

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Dang two Haas Promotions is tough

Two Red Bull promotions as well if any fuckhead wants to start any conspiracy shit

I’m on PS4. Give us a round at the Yuck Club. I can’t play it tonight, but if @dfbuzzbeater plays it before me, I’ll stream it playing with his ghost

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Here you go:

Venue: The Yuck Club


  • Pin 3

  • There is only one set of tees, so no settings to change there

  • Medium wind South, all other course conditions default

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So do I just play it and post my score?

Yeah if that’s easier for you guys. If you want to try to organize a match (you’re on playstation too?) that’s up to you but I know that may not be realistic with work and life schedules

No prob, I’ll just screenshot here shortly.

@BlakeG you can ignore the request I just sent you.

Damn that closing stretch is tough.

Team Ferrari with a nice start to the season, no promotions to screw up team chemistry, so we’re going to enjoy the off-week:


What time do I need to be at the airport to catch the private jet? I still need to pack


No worries, Ferrari will send the chopper to pick you up when you’re ready.


Event 3 YH playoff round: