I was thinking more
and the book is a Culver’s menu.
I was thinking more
and the book is a Culver’s menu.
Please apologize to @Big_RanDeer for my delay in responding to him annnnnd for responding at a time where shit was hitting the fan in another thread that I was oblivious to
I will reply today! No apologies necessary!
I’m out of likes after last night’s brouhaha, but know I’m trying and failing to heart all of these posts
I found a few spares under the couch cushions suddenly. I’m happy to use them as needed.
Aaaaand they’re gone
lost my “out of likes” v-card yesterday, have a whole new perspective this morning.
How many badges were flying around last night?!
@grandpa_jones you got any international travel upcoming? I would love to take this physical intimidation worldwide
This is absolutely brilliant. “The gang goes on a global bullying tour”
Crime is cool* or whatever that saying is.
*some crime isn’t.
@grandpa_jones after Mudness and the Ope
No, I’m staying local until I have to come face-to-face with my list of rivals.
Places where I’ll be this spring/summer:
The Burban
The Ope
The Meltdown
The Butter Cow (maybe)
Your mom’s house
I wanna like this so fxcking bad
I like it so much I’m gonna like it for you
Please don’t bring my mother into this I really don’t have $1k to lose in a duel
Neither do I!
How can we convince you and get you into a nice 2025 Butter Cow?
I know you guys hit it off at my house over the summer, but you gotta stop just showing up over there.