CANCELED :( Lake City Jamboree, Couer d’Alene, ID, July 17-19

I like the concept of a place called “WINE VALLEY”


I know it doesn’t include the right golf course, but this is what I see:



Oh no… She’s come to fuck with @davidc’s soul again


speaking of which, me trying to play Chambers Bay:


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Oh my god! That’s @davidc’s music!


Me when I hit it into the sole fairway bunker on 1 every round.


Truly the power triangle are the friends we made along the way


damn almost too soon

So, I asked my Mum to look into getting 5 x tee times at the CDA Resort on Saturday 18th July. It’s going to be tricky because that is peak season for them, Covid be damned.

Thankfully it turns out they keep a number of tee times aside every day for high rollers and VIPs who might take a last minute fancy to playing. And guess who’s on the VIP list?! Yup, my mother.


Understand it’s still up in the air right now but thought I’d mention it.

Also, if everyone wanted to meet in Seattle and drive to CDA via Gamble Sands, I would totally be down for that.


… so, we’ve got 5 x tee times reserved between 10 & 11am on Sat 18th July. We don’t need to pay anything right now as they totally understand we have no fucking clue what’s going on with flights and borders. But they will keep them for us right up til a few days beforehand if needs be.

Turns out they also do tee times at Black Rock and Circling Raven, which I didn’t know. Circling Raven is pay & play but Black Rock is normally member guest only. So that’s cool in case anyone is interested. I’ve played it and it’s spectacular.

They’re also going to work out a good price for hotel rooms at the Resort, in case anyone fancies it. Last time I shot a movie in town they gave me rooms for $50 a night, but it was October, so it won’t be anything like that. Plus the owners are family frievds and did me a favour. I’ll keep you posted.

Oh, and following on from my message this morning, the flights are all looking okay again. I think I must have hit it at a bad time when they were swapping out schedules or something. I’m probably going to book flights tomorrow and hope for the best. :man_shrugging:t4:


You’re a gentleman and a scholar, we like that. Happy to hear about the flights!

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Ladies and gentlemen, you are witnessing first hand the “old money” world and the various perks that come with it.

Put down the pitchforks, let us stay for dinner first, this is a rare glimpse into there world.

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If you got it, flaunt it.


I expect everyone to dress for the occasion!


3 hr drive from Gamble to Coeur d’Alene.

Or about 45 minutes via Bonanza from Sanderson Field in Brewster to Coeur d’Alene airport (KCOE).


ED Transportation “service you can rely on”

Call for rates.

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ED has popped into the event thread?? WE MADE IT FOLKS.

@Eric_Denver rumor has it you are WA based - any chance of an appearance?


That’s correct. I would consider it, but I don’t know if I’m posh enough to be in Mr. Cad’s presence.

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You’re welcome.


That’s one of the most shocking things about the man. While flaunting his old money and difficult-to-really-grasp social connections, he’s incredibly down to earth and willing to slum it with us.

I mean, what else can you ask for??

Direct from my home airport to Gamble Sands is (with no wind) a little under an hour. Or a 3 hr and 45 min drive.

Although flying direct over the Cascades (not following I-90 or 2 over Stevens) in a single engine piston is certainly a bold move. Pack an extra sandwich.